Once you have made selections within Configure, SF Actions enable retrieving and deploying security to the currently connected environment.
Retrieves security of the configured selections from the currently connected environment.
Important! Only the intersection of selected security files and selected entities will be retrieved. Be cautious in making selections as there may be issues with retrieving very large amounts of data. See the Options help for one exception to this rule.
As part of the Retrieve process, you will be prompted to Load System Permissions. Selecting Yes will load System Permissions associated with the selected Profiles and Permission Sets.
Note that only System Permissions that are true for at least one of the retrieved Profiles or Permission Sets are retrieved. If you want to retrieve all System Permissions, you should retrieve an Admin profile that contains all System Permissions.
Deploys security from the workspace to the currently connected environment.
Starting in version 3.1, all deploys are performed using ANT deploy method. Upon deployment, a browser window will be automatically opened directing you to Setup->Environments->Deploy->Deployment Status in order to monitor the status of your deployment.
IMPORTANT: Deploy of Muting Permission Sets is NOT supported due to Salesforce API restrictions. Retrieve of Muting Permission Sets is provided for analysis and comparison purposes only.
Starting in API 40, Permission Sets must be completely defined during a deploy. This means the concept of deploying changes to a Permission Set for just some settings doesn't work anymore. For this reason, Security Zen deploys are done at API 39. This enables the ability to just change the security settings you are interested in for a particular function, but it also means we don't support deploying newer security features such as Muting Permission Sets. Due to the limited use cases for Muting Permission Sets, we are comfortable that this is a good choice right now, but will continue to monitor changes in functionality and may revisit this decision in the future.
* Deploy is only available to Security Zen Masters.
Both blank and false means security is not granted. However, in some areas the lack of a permission is not stored in Salesforce and therefore a particular security setting may show up as blank.
Important! Blank cells are NOT deployed during a deploy command.
Deploying a blank cell means the security for that cell will NOT be modified in the deployed environment.
If you wish to remove security for a cell, the cell must be set to the appropriate setting for that entity type to remove security in the deployed environment.
Want to see details of prior deployments? Unfortunately, Salesforce only shows details of the failures. This option lets you see both successful entities as well as failures for a particular deploy.
To use this function, first connect to an environment and then select this function. Copy the Deployment id from Setup->Environments->Deploy->Deployment Status and paste it into the View Deploy Details prompt and select Enter.
Want to identify outliers in how Profiles and Permission Sets are assigned? Security Assignment Analysis creates a CSV file that groups users based on their Profile and Permission Set assignments. Role information is also captured allowing you to identify if users are assigned the same security as their peers.
Specifically, each row represents a unique combination of a Profile and Permission Sets. For this unique combination of Profile and Permission Sets, all of the users and their roles as well as the count of security files, roles and users are provided as shown in the picture. Each Permission Set, Role and User are specified on a new line within a cell. Using tools such as Excel or Power BI allows you to analyze this data to identify users that are different than their peers based on Roles or Profiles.
To use this function, first connect to an environment and then select this function. After the analysis is complete, you will be prompted to save a CSV file with the results of the analysis. The results will then be launched with the default application on your system for opening CSV files.
Note that results will be limited by the Max Characters and Max Lines specified in the Options menu. These options provide compatibility with limitations of commonly used tools that work with CSV files such as Excel and Power BI, but truncate results within cells if the limits are exceeded.
*Security Assignment Analysis is only available to Security Zen Masters.
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