Options let you fine tune Security Zen to work best for you. Options will automatically be saved upon closing the window.
"Security Protocol" may be set to use TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2.
Note that Salesforce is requiring the change to TLS 1.2 in 2019 per this knowledge article: Salesforce Disable TLS 1.1.
"ANT Package API Version" is the API version used while creating an ANT package. This determines what Entity Types are available. Set to a specific API version or set to 0 to automatically determine the API version based on the highest API version specified for Apex Classes in the connected environment.
"Retrieve Max Number of Polls" is the maximum number of times that the server will be contacted to determine retrieve status.
"Retrieve Poll Time (seconds)" is the amount of time to wait between Polls during a retrieve.
Note: For larger data sets, the above numbers may need to be increased.
"Load System Permissions" determines whether System Permissions should be added to the workspace when a retrieve is performed. Available Options:
"Permission Set Entities Retrieved" determines what entities are retrieved when a Permission Set is specified. Available Options:
"Color Scheme" determines the colors assigned to cells based on permissions. Available Options:
"Header Rotation" determines the rotation of column headers. 0 degrees is horizontal. 90 degrees is vertical. A range of 70-85 degrees seems to provide a good balance of readability and data density.
"Font Size" determines the font size within the workspace. Valid values are from 1 to 96, but more realistic values are usually between 6 and 12. Default is 8.
Note that large font sizes may cause the column headers to take up the entire height of the screen which makes the scroll bars disappear. Don't panic! To correct this, either use a smaller font size or go to the bottom of the headers and resize the height of the headers to be smaller.
"Column Width" determines the column width in Pixels. Default value is 70. Specifying a Column Width of 0 enables Automatic Column Width which is based on the width of the Column Header. Automatic Column Width is recommended in conjunction with a "Header Rotation" of 70-85 degrees.
"Sort Rows" will cause the rows to be sorted upon retrieval. Version 3.1 has significantly improved this function and is now recommended to be checked.
"Active Users Only" determines whether all users, or just active users, are included in user queries. This affects the following features:
"Show Hints" displays hints on the backgrounds of windows such as the Workspace and the Configure window.
Changes in Display Options are applied during the next retrieve operation except as follows:
"Max Characters" sets a maximum number of characters per cell populated during the Security Assignment Analysis. Default is 32,767 which is maximum number of characters in an Excel cell. If 0 is specified, no maximum number of characters is imposed.
"Max Lines" sets a maximum number of lines per cell populated during the Security Assignment Analysis. Default is 252 which is near the maximum number of lines in an Excel cell. If 0 is specified, no maximum number of lines is imposed.
If "Max Characters" or "Max Lines" are specified and these are exceeded for a given cell, the last line of the cell will indicate how many more lines were not written.
If the maximums cell limits are not imposed and the contents of cells exceed the maximums that Excel support, columns may not display properly.
"Deployment Method" determines the method used to deploy security changes to Salesforce (Deprecated in Version 3.1 due to Salesforce API changes):
Starting in Version 3.1, the "ANT" deployment method is always used.
Options for ANT Deploy Method:
"Run Tests Before Deploy" controls whether tests are run as part of the ANT deploy.
Options for API Deploy Method (Deprecated in Version 3.1):
During an API deploy, Security Files are deployed in batches. "API Batch Size" represents the number of security files deployed at one time when using the API deployment method. Valid values for batch size are from 1 to 10.
Larger batch sizes will generally deploy slightly quicker, but there could be timeout issues with large batch sizes if you are deploying a large number of entities.
Smaller batch sizes will generally deploy slightly slower, but you are less likely to run into timeout issues.
Starting in Version 3.1, a browser window is automatically opened upon deploy, so you can monitor the deployment in Salesforce. This change eliminated the need for the following Options:
"ANT Deploy Max Number of Polls" is the maximum number of times that the Salesforce server will be contacted from Security Zen to determine ANT deploy status. (Deprecated in Version 3.1)
"ANT Deploy Poll Time (seconds)" is the amount of time to wait between Polls from Security Zen during an ANT deploy. (Deprecated in Version 3.1)
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