Below is a list of our favorite Chrome Extensions for Salesforce...
This one is at the top of the list for a reason! View and edit all the fields (displayed and hidden) of a record, as well as the ability to export and import data. Our favorite productivity tool! Salesforce Inspector
This is like a lite version of Salesforce Inspector. Grey Tab shows up as a window over the Salesforce record to quickly view all fields (displayed and hidden) on a record. It doesn't provide editing of fields, and there is no import or export capability, but really convenient for a quick peak at hidden field values. Grey Tab
Working in multiple environments? Set the favicon color on your tabs per environment and stay organized. Salesforce Colored Favicons
A great complement to Colored Favicons. This puts a colored banner at the top of the Salesforce classic pages. Set the colors consistent with Colored Favicons and you will always work in the correct environment. Org Header for Salesforce
This is an all purpose extension for adding your own javascript or CSS to web pages based on the URL. Want to modify the banner for Salesforce Lightning pages per environment?
Try using this extension to add the following CSS for your Salesforce PRD URL:
.slds-global-header {background-color: Red} !important
Add the following CSS for your Sandbox URLs:
.oneSystemMessage .level-info {background:none; color:black; background-color: yellow} !important
Set the colors to be consistent with Salesforce Colored Favicons and Org Header for Salesforce and you have consistent colored banners for both Salesforce Classic and LEX. Custom Style Script
Switch the label names for the API names on a page layout. Not a critical enhancement, but a really nice convenience. Salesforce API FIeldnames
Want a way to get to items in Setup a little quicker? This extension adds options to your setup area to open Classes, Triggers, Custom Objects, etc. based on their names. Salesforce advance Code searcher.
Developing for mobile? Get a quick preview of how your work looks on mobile. S1 Demo
Not a Salesforce extension per se, but so simple and useful, we just had to include this quick way of opening multiple tabs to our list. Linkclump
Also, not a Salesforce specific extension, but a really convenient way to grab the entire screen of a Salesforce record in a single click. Full Page Screen Capture
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