Once a connection is established, select Configure to choose which security files (Profiles and/or Permission Sets) and which entities (Objects, Fields, Record Types, etc) you want to retrieve.
You must select at least one security file and at least one entity in order to retrieve security. This requirement may be skipped in some scenarios based on Retrieve Options. See Options help for more details. The buttons and filters on this window are merely intended to make selection quicker and easier in various scenarios.
Select the security files (Profiles, Permission Sets and Muting Permission Sets) and Entities (Classes, Pages, Tabs, Objects, Fields, Record Types, Custom Permissions and Applications). *
* Security Files are limited to a total of 5 for non Security Zen Masters. No limit on Security Files for Security Zen Masters.
The tree of Security Files and Entities is cleared out and then populated each time you connect to an environment. If you want to compare two environments, this means making the same Configure selections twice.
The "Select By Workspace" button selects Security Files and Entities to retrieve based on what is currently in the workspace, so you don't have to make the same selections twice.
* "Select By Workspace" feature is only available to Security Zen Masters.
The "Select By User" button enables you to select security files (a Profile and Permission Sets) by selecting a user.
* "Select By User" feature is only available for Security Zen Masters.
Enter a user's name (or part of a user's name) and "Enter" to retrieve a list of user's. A maximum of 30 users will be returned. Selecting a particular user from the list will select that user's corresponding Profile and Permission Sets in the Security Files tree.
If a filter is applied, the user's Profile and Permission Sets will be selected, however, depending on the filter criteria you might not see the selection until the filter is removed.
If Security Files have already been selected in the Security Files tree, you will be prompted to either clear out or add to the existing selections.
* "Select By User" feature is only available for Security Zen Masters.
The "Select By Perm Set Group" button enables you to select Permission Sets by selecting a Permission Set Group.
* "Select By Perm Set Group" feature is only available for Security Zen Masters.
Enter a Permission Set Group name (or part of a name) and "Enter" to retrieve a list of Permission Set Groups. A maximum of 30 Permission Set Groups will be returned. Selecting a particular Permission Set Group will select the Permission Sets within this Permission Set Group in the Security Files tree.
If a filter is applied, the Permission Sets will be selected, however, depending on the filter criteria you might not see the selection until the filter is removed.
If Security Files have already been selected in the Security Files tree, you will be prompted to either clear out or add to the existing selections.
* "Select By Permission Set Group" feature is only available for Security Zen Masters.
Selecting an Object normally auto-selects the Fields and Record Types associated with that Object.
If you want to retrieve an Object's permissions without Field or Record Type information, select the "Select Objects without selecting Fields or Record Types" checkbox. This is particularly useful if you want to retrieve/analyze/deploy a large amount of permissions at the object level.
* You may select security files (Profiles and Permission Sets) based on a particular entity. With the Entities radio button selected, right-click on a particular entity of one of the following types in order to select security files based on that entity's permissions:
When selecting security files based on an entity, you may choose to select from Profiles or Permission Sets or both. You may select to either add to any previously selected security file selections or replace any previously selected security file selections.
* "Selecting Security Files Based On Entity Security" feature is only available for Security Zen Masters.
Right-click on a particular entity (Class, Page, or Custom Permission) in order to select security files where access is granted (True) or access is not granted (False) for that selected entity.
Right-click on a particular tab in order to select security files based on that Tab's permissions. For Profiles, you can select security files where that Tab is Default On, Default Off or Hidden. For Permission Sets, you can select security files where that Tab is Visible, Available or Hidden.
Right-click on a particular object in order to select security files based on that Object's permissions. If you select multiple permissions (CREDVM), you can either select security files that provide any of the selected permissions (Or) or you can select security files that provide all of the selected permissions (And).
Richt-click on a particular field in order to select security files based on that Field's permissions such as Edit, Read, or Hidden.
* "Filtering" feature is only available for Security Zen Masters. You may choose to either show or hide selections based on the filter text. Filter criteria is case insensitive. The wild card character "*" is supported.
Hiding a node does not modify it's selection. Hidden selected nodes are still selected and will be included during a retrieve operation. It is recommended you remove filter criteria in order to see all selections prior to performing a retrieve operation.
Selecting (or unselecting) a top level node in the tree (such as "Objects") will auto-select (or unselect) all of the displayed child nodes based on the filter criteria. Nodes hidden by the filter criteria will not be modified.
Fields and Record Types may be selected as children under the appropriate Object. Filter criteria is applied to Object names, not Field or Record Type names. If an Object name meets the filter criteria, all of the Object's Fields and Record Types will be displayed under that Object regardless of the filter criteria.
* "Filtering" feature is only available for Security Zen Masters.
The "Only Show Selections" checkbox filters the tree down to selected items. This is useful after you have made your selections to verify selections are complete.
Importing allows you to load a previously saved set of selections that have been exported to an XML file.
Note that starting with Version 2.6, importing a package file imports all items listed in the package file. Previous versions used the package file to emulate mouse clicks in the configure tree of the entities listed in the package file. The previous version could be confusing if both objects and fields or record types of the object were specified in the package file.
Exporting allows you to save a set of selections to an XML file for re-use later on.
Dragging and dropping files from a windows OS folder into the Configure window loads previously saved sets of selections. Files may be:
This feature is to create ANT package files. This feature is not necessary for retrieving, analyzing or deploying security, but is provided merely as a convenience for those using ANT for Salesforce retrieves and deploys.
A list of Entity Types is presented based on the API version and the environment you have connected to. If you do not see an Entity Type you are expecting, try modifying the "ANT Package API Version" in Options to a higher API version and then re-connecting.
Select on an Entity Type to retrieve a list of entities of that Entity Type. Entities will be added to the tree under the selected Entity Type. If there are no entities of a particular Entity Type, the Entity Type will be displayed in red to indicate that Entity Type has already been selected even though there are no entities associated with this Entity Type.
If an Entity Type ends with " Folders", click on the Entity Type to retrieve a list of folders for that Entity Type. Folders of that Entity Type will be added to the tree under the selected Entity Type. Select on a folder to retrieve a list of entities within that folder. Entities in that folder will be added to the tree under the selected folder. If there are no entities within a folder after selecting on it, the folder will be displayed in red to indicate that folder has already been selected even though there are no entities associated with this folder.
Important Notes:
The list of Entity Types is autogenerated by the Salesforce metadata API based on the API version you specify and includes some Entity Types that cannot actually be listed, retrieved or deployed.
In order to deploy entities that are organized in folders, the folder must already exist in the target environment or be included in the package in order to create the folder.
Custom Label:
It is strongly recommended that you use the "CustomLabel" Entity Type to retrieve and deploy only selected custom labels. The "CustomLabels" Entity Type (note the "s" at the end) will retrieve and deploy ALL Custom Labels in an environment which is typically NOT desired.
Email Templates:
Classic Email Templates are available under the "Email Folders" Entity Type.
LEX Email Templates are available under the "EmailTemplate Folders" Entity Type.
Custom Metadata:
Deployment of Custom Metadata between environments may require including both the "CustomObject" to define the object and "CustomMetadata" to specify the values to be deployed. Exact requirements for successful deployments depend on the variances between the source and the destination environments.
This is NOT a complete list of requirements for retrieving and deploying ANT packages. You are solely responsible for what you deploy between environments.
Link for more information on the Salesforce ANT Migration tool.
Please let us know if you have additional tips, tricks or best practices for specifying ANT Package files.
Type in the Entity Type Filter to filter the list of Entity Types.
Type in the Entity Name Filter to filter the list of entities.
The "Only Show Selections" checkbox filters the tree down to selected items. This is useful after you have made your selections to verify selections are complete.
Export the selected entities to an ANT Package file.
For entities selected in folders, a line will be added in the ANT Package file to represent the folder itself as well as a line for each entity selected within that folder.
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